Week Two update

Good afternoon parents, 

I hope you had a lovely weekend and some of you enjoyed the OLC Quiz Night that happened on Saturday night! I'm sure it would have been a great night hosted by one of the great Year Two parents Travis Fassom and a even more jolly Year Four teacher Mr. Danaher. 

Just a few messages for this week...

Welcome Leni

A big OLC welcome to Leni who had her first week in the 2W class last week. Leni has settled into life a OLC so beautifully and it has been great to see all the children being so welcoming to her. We are lucky to have you at OLC Leni. 

Time Assessment

Last week and this week, the children have been reviewing the Maths measurement unit on Time. This was covered in term 2, however, as a year group, we found that this was still an area of need. We have been looking at digital and analogue clocks to the quarter hour and reviewing where each of the hands go when reading the clock. 

The end of year expectation for Year Two is that children can read, write and represent times on a digital and analogue clock to the quarter hour. We will be having our Time Assessment this Friday to review what we have already learnt and these results will be posted to Seesaw for your information. Please note this sample will not be part of our formal Seesaw work samples but rather some information for you on your child's understanding of time. 

Have a look at the videos below if you would like to review this with your child before next Friday. 

Quarter past times 

Quarter to times

Extended Leave

Term four is a busy part of the year with a lot of end of term formal assessments in the lead up to semester two reports going home. If you know that your child is going to be away on any given date, we would greatly appreciate of you could let us and the office know beforehand so your child does not miss any important assessments. 


As we transition into summer uniform, administration are beginning to come around to each of the classes to check that each child is wearing the correct school uniform. We have noticed that some students are coming to school with nail polish, colourful jewellery, the wrong socks, wrong shoes and hair not tied up correctly. We will be sending home uniform reminders if your child comes to school in the wrong uniform so we can represent our school in a respectful manner. Please click on the link below if you are unsure of the OLC uniform policy. Thank you for your support with this. 

School Uniform Policy

Reading folders

Please ensure that your child is bringing in their reading folder every day (even if they are reading a chapter book) as we have noticed that a lot of children are forgetting to change their book. We understand that some children are reading their library books or books from home which is wonderful, however, we still have to check that they are reading every day. 

Excursion photos 

We had a wonderful time at our Cultural Excursion lead by Josh Whiteland. The children were guided around the Meelup Beach area where we were taught about some plants that are edible, plants used to create rope and how the Wadandi people used rocks to catch fish. We were very lucky to even spot some humpback whales in the distance. 

The children also heard the story of Mamung the Whale who was a lizard type whale who travelled around the south west area. We are so lucky to have a valuable resource like Josh available to us. 


Have a great week two!

Mrs. Wendelin


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