Welcome to Term 4, 2022

 Dear parents,

Welcome to the final term of Year Two. I hope you had a lovely holidays and enjoyed some of that beautiful spring weather 🌸 

I was very lucky to jet off to Singapore for the Grand Prix and have my pre-baby moon by staying in an adults only hotel (while I canπŸ˜‰) and celebrate a very dear friends wedding on Saturday. 

A BIG OLC welcome to Leni Lewis who will be joining the 2W family this term. Please make the Lewis family feel welcome :) 

Just a few notes...


On Monday we will be sending home the Year Two fluency grid with this fortnights focus sounds and tricky words. Have a look at our blog post titled 'Week 4 Information' which shows you how you can use this at home to increase your child's reading fluency. We have also included all of the spelling lists for your information on the back of the fluency grid. The pink list πŸ’“ is the target for Year Two from our InitiaLit program. Please feel free to use these lists at home to increase your child's spelling abilities. Have a look at our Fluency grids and spelling lists below to see our focus sounds πŸ€“

Year 2 Cultural Excursion - Meelup

This Wednesday 12th of October the Year Two children will be going on an excursion to Meelup Beach with Josh Whiteland. Here the children will learn all about the Mamang whale πŸ‹πŸ³ If you have not returned your child's permission slip, please do so as soon as possible. We will be contacting parents who have indicated they are able to help by the end of the day on Monday. As mentioned, we will be pulling names out of a hat to make it fair for both classes. 

Keeping Safe
For Term 4, the children will be learning Protective Behaviours through the program Keeping Safe. Over the next few weeks, we will be talking to the children about:

Children need to learn (at an age and developmentally appropriate level):

• the concept of personal space and how this is different for different people
• correct anatomical names of sexual body parts
• the whole body is private 
• appropriate and inappropriate touching.

For the next two Wednesday's, the children will be taking part in the Keeping Safe lesson about personal space and body parts. We will be reading stories and emphasising the fact that all parts of their body are private. I understand that the children may laugh and giggle when we talk about the anatomical names, but this is important for every child to know.

Recent research shows that knowing the anatomically correct language terms enhances children’s body image, self-confidence, and openness. 

This is in conjunction with the Child Protection Curriculum which has been mandated in all schools in Western Australia.

Please find the lesson outline below if you feel you need to discuss this with your child after Wednesday.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me. 

Important dates: 

Grandparents Day - This will be celebrated on Friday 28th October so please make sure that your child has taken the time to invite their grandparents along if possible. 

Further details about the day will follow soon!

  • Pupil Free Day - Friday,  11th November 
  • Christmas Concert - Wednesday 7th December
We hope you have a lovely first week back and please contact me if you have any questions or queries.

Mrs. Wendelin


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