Term 2, Week 3 Information

 Good afternoon Parents,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and all the beautiful Mum's, Nanna's, Aunties and any special mother figure in our lives were spoilt. The kids loved creating your beautiful sustainable present and we hope that you can get some use out of it 🐝💕😍💛

Just a few pieces of information for the upcoming fortnight...


On Monday we will be sending home the Year Two fluency grid with this fortnights focus sounds and tricky words. Have a look at our blog post titled 'Week 4 Information' which shows you how you can use this at home to increase your child's reading fluency. We have also included all of the spelling lists for your information on the back of the fluency grid. The pink list 💓 is the target for Year Two from our InitiaLit program. Please feel free to use these lists at home to increase your child's spelling abilities. Have a look at our Fluency grids and spelling lists below to see our focus sounds 🤓

Learning Intentions


This week we are learning the spelling sounds 'oa' as in float, 'ow' as in snow, 'ue' as in blue & 'ew' as in grew. The tricky words for this fortnight are - woman, different, friend, home.

We have now finished our unit of work on the text genre narrative and last week we completed a 'Hot Task'. This is where the children are given a topic, 10 minutes to complete a planner that will help them to structure their recount and then a further 30 minutes to write their narrative. This is completed independently, with no adult support, to showcase what each child has learnt throughout our unit of recount. 

Upon reading through the children's hot tasks, we have noticed that many of the children have understood the narrative structure, however, they are still learning to provide a detailed description of their characters. 

In class we have learnt about giving our characters physical descriptions, actions, inner thoughts, reactions to problems and speech to enhance and elevate our writing pieces. We would love if you could revise this with the children at home as we will not be revisiting the narrative genre until Term Four. If you would like some writing picture prompts to give to your child to practise their narrative writing about that picture, please click on the following link: 

We will now be starting to focus on the text genre of information reports. The children will complete a 'Cold Task' which is completed the same way as the 'Hot Task' but is used to inform our teaching so we are able to cater for each individual needs. We will also be looking at different animals and food and how we can use a range of adjectives to provide more detail into our writing and to engage the reader. 


Last week, we finished focusing on number sense that involved ordering numbers from largest to smallest and smallest to largest, identifying missing numbers in a sequence and identifying numbers before and after any given number. 

This week, we have begun focusing on time. We will be revising time concepts that were taught in Year One - this includes reading o'clock and half past times both digitally, on an analogue clock and in words. (We would love if you revise this at home)

The expectation for Year Two within the Measurement Strand is: 

  • Tell time to the quarter-hour, using the language of 'past' and 'to' (ACMMG039)
We will be praticising showing these times on an analogue clock, digitally and in words e.g. quarter past 2 is the same as 2:15, quarter to 1 is the same as 12:45)

Due to COVID, in Term One we weren't able to meet our Year Six buddies. Now the restrictions have eased we were finally able too and the children were very excited. The Year Six's shared their Saint boxes with us that they have created for their upcoming Confirmation and then we had a play and got to know each other. We are looking forward to more activities in the future 🙌

Have a lovely rest of your weekend and I will see you ready for week three 😍

Mrs. Wendelin


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