Welcome to our Wellbeing Week Four

Good afternoon parents, 

We hope you had a wonderful weekend and got to enjoy some of that beautiful sunshine. We had some very excited children today who were eager to share what they got up to on the weekend 😎

Well Being Week
Welcome to well being week. This week OLC is focusing on the children's well being and doing activities each day to promote this. 

We had a very zen day today and we were lucky enough to practise our yoga skills with Miss Christie and learnt all about square breathing and how we can use this strategy to calm us down and relax. This is a strategy we will be practising each day this week. 

On Thursday we will be practising tapping with Mrs Geraldine Page and on Friday the children are encouraged to wear a t-shirt that makes them happy 😁😃 

Seesaw - Readers Theatre
On Wednesday 3rd of November, we will be filming your child completing a readers theatre of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have worked very hard on playing their role over the last two weeks.

If your child will not be here on this day, it would be greatly appreciated if you can please let us know so we can arrange to film this another day. 

Merit Award Winner
Congratulations to Olivia who was the Week 3 merit award winner. You are a super star ⭐✨🤩

Homework is due this Friday 5th of November. If your child is not going to be here Friday, please send in their homework folder on Thursday so we are able to glue in the next fortnights homework.

Grandparents Day👵👴
WOW! What an amazing turn out it was! Thank you to all those parents who invited their families to OLC to join in the celebrations of Grandparents Day. It was wonderful to meet some of the children's grandparents and for children to show off all of their amazing work they have completed over the term. 

Design Technology unit - Creating a bird feeder!
We need your boxes! Around the school, we have noticed a lot of birds trying to make nests in the beams around our verandahs so we will be designing a bird house as a part of our Design and Technology unit. We will be beginning to plan the logistics of the design next week, but in week 5 we would love to start constructing our design. If you have any boxes - NO BIGGER THAN A 2 LITRE MILK BOTTLE/CARTON we would love for you to bring them in ASAP! Start collecting those boxes! Thank you 😍

Welcome to Mr. Tilbee!

Have a lovely week ahead!

Mrs. Wendelin 


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