Week Three - Yippee!
I hope you have had a lovely start to the week and have had some time to enjoy the last (hopefully) of the rain! I cannot believe we are into week three, which means there is only another six weeks with your beautiful children 😭😢😭😢
Merit Award Winner 🌟⭐✨
Congratulations to our Week Two Merit Award winner Campbell! You are a Year Two Super Star!
Design Technology unit - Creating a bird feeder!
We need your boxes! Around the school, we have noticed a lot of birds trying to make nests in the beams around our verandahs so we will be designing a bird house as a part of our Design and Technology unit. We will be beginning to plan the logistics of the design next week, but in week 5 we would love to start constructing our design. If you have any boxes - NO BIGGER THAN A 2 LITRE MILK BOTTLE/CARTON we would love for you to bring them in! Start collecting those boxes! Thank you 😍
Next week and in week five we will begin our series of formal PAT assessments which will help further inform our understanding of your child's learning needs, as well as guide groupings within the classroom and inform our end of year reports. All the content within the PAT assessments cover what has been taught throughout the year and results will be passed onto your child's teacher next year. If you are planning on being away at all next week, could you please let me know so I can arrange for your child to complete at an earlier/later date.
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Love. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?
5th November - Wear a tshirt 'your fav colour/ fav band/ fav slogan' - what makes you feel good day!
11th November – Remembrance Day
12th November – Student Free Day
24th November – OLC AGM meeting
7th December – Whole school Christmas Concert (LOCK THIS ONE IN!)
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