Week Seven is here!
Good afternoon Parents,
Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to Leeuwin on winning the Sports Carnival last Wednesday, a fine speech by our captains Cooper and Paige. The students again showed such great enthusiasm and sportsmanship on the day and gave it their all for every game or race they participated in! What a great way to finish week 6!
A big thank you to all the families who came to our open night last week (we know it was a long day after the sports carnival, so we really appreciate it). The children were so proud to show you all the hard work they have been completed this year in Year Two. They especially loved you choosing your favourite piece of work.
A new fortnight of homework was sent home today. There was a few children who have not brought in their homework book. If this was your child can you please ensure it is sent in tomorrow so we can glue in the new grid, fluency maze and spelling lists.
You may have noticed that homework is looking a little bit different this fortnight. We ask that your child please complete a poster on a mixture of their choice. Your child brought home some information on their upcoming oral presentation today, along with poster and a template to write the steps for their mixture. If you need a new writing template, please don't hesitate to ask.
Presentations will begin Week 9 (Monday 13th of September) and will conclude Week 10 (Thursday 23rd of September).
Some examples of procedures for their presentation can include making or using a mixture of different materials:
- How to make hot chocolate - How to plant a sunflower seed - How to wash some dishes
- How to make a sandwich - How to brush your teeth - How to make jelly
- How to make a mask - How to make slime or oobleck - How to feed a pet bird
- Identify a mixture in our everyday life
- Explain a procedure how we use or make a mixture
- Speak audibly, clearly and maintain eye contact with our audience.
- Identify the mixture they are making/using
- Explain how they have made/used their mixture
- Speak clearly, audibly and at a steady pace
- Maintain eye contact with their audience
- Present information in a logical sequence
- Answer questions based on the information they present
If you have any questions, concerns or require additional materials, please feel free to speak to us.
Operation Christmas Child
All the children in Year Two will soon participate in 'Operation Christmas Child' which is an initiative with the goal of packing shoeboxes full of little surprises to give to a children who may have never received a gift before. By participating in this our children will have a first hand experience aimed at building the school value of compassion.
Your child will be grouped with three other children to contribute and pack the shoe box. The cost to send a shoe box will be $2.50 per child. We are asking you to encourage your child to do something extra at home to earn the money that is needed to buy the item to put into the provided shoe box.
Please see below an example of the provided shoe box for Operation Christmas child:
Soon, your child will bring home a note which shows you what kind of items can be sent away in the shoebox. We are asking for all donations to be brought to school by Tuesday 22nd September (Week 10) please. It is very exciting for the children to share in this initiative which has been a part of the O.L.C. Community for the last 17 years.
There is no need to bring in shoe boxes, as we have been kindly donated them from The Samaritans Purse.
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