Welcome back to Week One!

 Dear Parents, 

Welcome back to Week One. I hope you had a lovely holiday and managed to get some sun (or stay inside with all this rain!). We are getting ready for a massive Term Three ahead and cannot wait to get into all the fun learning that will be happening over the next few weeks!

Sports Uniform for Dance - Every Tuesday

As we are now taking part in dance this semester, the children are required to wear their sports uniform (green shirt) to help them move and groove through their session. The children will now wear their sports uniform Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - woo hoo! They will be working towards an end of year dance performance which will be showcased at the end of year OLC Christmas concert. 


A quick reminder that our assembly is in Week Three Friday. We sent out a blog post with the script attached last term, please look back if you require any information or email me if you need clarification. If you know your child is going to be away on this date, please let us know ASAP as we will have to reallocate parts. 

No canteen this week 

Just a reminder that there is no canteen this week but will commence next week on Tuesdays and Thursday's ONLY. If you have a spare morning, the canteen are always looking for helpers and the children just love seeing you at school. 

Important dates for Term 3

Year Two assembly: Friday 6th August

Mission Markets and OLC 25th anniversary Mass: Friday 13th August

OLC Open night: Wednesday 25th August (4.30 pm-5.30 pm)

Athletics Carnival: Thursday 26th August 

Pupil Free Day: Friday 27th August

School Photos: Thursday 9th September 

Book Week Dress up: Wednesday 22nd September

I hope you have a lovely first week back at school!

Mrs. Wendelin


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