Term 3, Week 3 and 4
Dear parents,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are settling back into school and routine life! Just a few messages for this week...
On Monday we will be sending home the Year Two fluency grid with this fortnights focus sounds and tricky words. Have a look at our blog post titled 'Week 4 Information' which shows you how you can use this at home to increase your child's reading fluency. We have also included all of the spelling lists for your information on the back of the fluency grid. The pink list 💓 is the target for Year Two from our InitiaLit program. Please feel free to use these lists at home to increase your child's spelling abilities. Have a look at our Fluency grids and spelling lists below to see our focus sounds 🤓
This week we are reviewing the 'ow' as in cow, 'ou' as in house, 'oy' as in boy and 'oi' as in coin. We have learnt that ou and oi go in the middle of the word and ow and oy usually go at the end of a word.
This fortnights tricky words are: build, tomorrow, school and cousin.
Last week, we began learning about the concept of Multiplication and how a multiplication sum can be represented by groups, an array, repeated addition, skip counting and even using a multiplication sum.
Have a look as the poster below to see how we have started to learn about multiplication:
Here is a useful video that may be helpful when explaining how multiplication works:
Mission Markets
On Friday 12th of August (Week 4) we are celebrating the 26th anniversary of OLC and the feast of the Assumption of Mary. This year, the markets will be focused on raising money for the Catholic Mission Australia with the profits of the day going to charities in Thailand. We would love the children to bring money that they have earned from doing jobs around the house so that they can understand the value of the money they are donating.
The Year 2 children are running an air popped popcorn stall and would greatly appreciate if you could donate 1x bag of popping corn (not microwaved bags).
New Student
We welcome Ryder to OLC and his family to the Dunsborough community. The children and I have loved getting to know him over the last few weeks and look forward to a great semester ahead.
As we get into the semester, we find it is always great practice to refresh our brains on what we have already learnt in Semester One on how to be a good friend, how to maintain a healthy friendship and how to deal with tricky situations that may happen in the playground.
We would love to share some of this information with you. As we mentioned in our last blog titled 'Term 3 - Week 1 2022' there is a free membership that allows you to join and provides you with lots of great articles and resources in how to help your child become a friendship ninja!
Please see below the links to some articles that we thought would be beneficial:
Please put in your calendars Friday 9th of September (Week 8) to keep free as this will be our performance assembly with 2M. Please keep an eye on the blog in the following weeks to find out more information regarding readings and costumes.
Important dates for Term 3
Mission Markets and Mass: Friday 12th August (Week 4)
Pupil Free day: Friday 26th August (Week 6)
OLC open afternoon: Thursday 1st September (Week 7)
School Photos: Thursday 8th September (Week 8)
Year Two Performance Assembly: Friday 9th September (Week 8)
OLC Athletics carnival: Friday 16th September (Week 9)
OLC's got talent: Friday 23rd September (Week 10)
Thank you for getting this far (if you are still reading 😊)
Have a lovely start to your week!
Mrs. Wendelin
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