Reading Assessments

Dear parents,  

We are currently completing our end of Term 3 reading assessments. In this assessment, we will assess your child’s reading, comprehension skills and retell skills. Once your child has completed this assessment, they will be sent home with a slip that informs you of their updated reading goal. Please note, this goal may still be the same as their goal in Term 2.  

As we only have a limited number of hours each week to complete these assessments, we would be very grateful if you were able to send your child to school early at around 8.05am. This will enable us to test your child at the beginning of the day when they are fresh and ready to begin their day.  

If this is something that is possible for your family, could you please let us know a date in the next two weeks that suits you best. No pressure if this is not possible as we know how busy mornings can be.  


Kind regards,  

Monique Wendelin and Amy McFarlane 


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