Welcome to Week 4!

 Dear Parents,  

I hope you had a lovely weekend with your families. We are still coming off the absolute high that was out performance assembly last Friday. Both Amy and myself were blown away with the children’s performances and the way they remembered their lines, parts and sang their little hearts out! Have a look at some of the wonderful photos below... 


Just a few messages for this week:  


OLC Mission Market Day and Feast Day 

This Friday (13th of August) we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of OLC and the feast of the Assumption of Mary. This year, the markets will look a bit different and will be focused on raising money for the Catholic Mission Australia with the profits of the day going to charities in Thailand. We would love the children to bring money that they have earned from doing jobs around the house so that they can understand the value of the money they are donating. As you know, we are running the popcorn stall so please keep bringing in those donations of popcorn right up until Thursday. We ask that the children bring no more than $10.00 (in coins) for the day and we look forward to another wonderful Mission Market Day! 

Goodbye to Mrs. Hughes 

Last week we found out that the outstanding Mrs. Hughes (Year One Education Assistant and Early Maths Support Coordinator) will be moving on from OLC to become a Hydrologist for GeoCatch in Busselton. We are so proud of Mrs. Hughes and congratulate her on this amazing opportunity. I know some of you had the pleasure of having Mrs Hughes in Year One (and I have had the privilege of working with her for the last six years) so I know that she will be missed by staff and students alike. If you see her bouncing around the school, please congratulate her on this amazing new job! 



Thank you to those families that have connected to the SeeSaw families app since the start of the term. If you need another copy of the link or code, please let me know and I can email it to you.  

This week, you will see a wonderful assessment piece from the Mathematics learning area focused on the Number strand of Multiplication. Please have a read of the teacher feedback that I have given and I would love to see you like or comment on your child’s work to let them know how proud you are of them...just as much as I am! 

Thank you to those parents who are sending in their child's reading folder each day. We are continuing to change our reading books each morning in gathering time and write our new title in. If you have any feedback on how your child is reading, please write it in the reading file pages. If your child is still reading the book, or you feel they need to re-read it, please keep it for as long as they need.  


Homework is due this Friday 13th of August. If your child is not going to be at school please ensure that they bring in their RED Reading folder and their homework book on Thursday. This enables us to check over their work and glue in the next fortnights homework.  


Just a reminder that canteen ONLY runs on Tuesdays and Thursday's and no longer on a Friday.  

Merit Award Winner 
Congratulations to Eddie who was our Week Merit Award Winner. You are a Year Two Super Star Eddie! 🌟🌟 

Congratulations to Nixon as well for being the Geographer Cape Crusader! 


 Student Uniform  

Dear Parents, the staff and admin will be paying particular attention to the students uniform and standard of dress from now on. This includes your child wearing the correct uniform on the correct day, i.e. only wearing sport uniform on sport days. This also includes wearing the correct socks and neat and tidy hairstyles. Please ensure you check your child before they attend school.  

Character Strengths  

Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths  

This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Hope. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following? 


I hope you have a lovely week and stay out of this rain! 

Thank you for your ongoing support, 

Mrs. Wendelin 


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