Welcome to week Two

Good afternoon parents,

We had a great first week of Term 3 and have already learnt so much. It was lovely to hear of the many adventures you all seemed to get up to on the holidays. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and got to spend some time outdoors before the rain sets in for the week again 🌧☔⛈😥

Just a few reminders for Week 2...

Please find below some updated information about our upcoming assembly that is taking place on Friday 6th of August from 2:15pm.

Your child was sent home today or yesterday with a hard copy of their reading part. It would be greatly appreciated, if you could practise this with your child and reinforce them speaking clearly and with expression. 

I have attached a link if your child would like to practise our assembly song at home.

Please find below an updated copy of the assembly script.

Air Guitars/Toy guitars 🎸
We ask that if you have any inflatable guitars or toy guitars if we could please borrow them for our assembly next Friday. If you have them, could you please bring them in as soon as possible so we can pratise using them as props. 

Your child will bring home an invitation this week to connect with the 2W classroom via the Seesaw App. Please follow the prompts carefully to set your account. This will involve downloading the app and scanning the QR code for families to access their child's individual learning journal.  I also highly recommend you click 'yes' to the notifications prompt as then you will be sent a reminder each time there is something new uploaded.  We are hoping to try to share something at least each week or fortnight to show the great learning that is happening in our classrooms. 

Seesaw is an App that I'm sure many of you are already familiar with from our stint with online learning last year but basically it is a platform that allows you to see some of the great work that your child is doing in the classroom. Please make sure that it is the Seesaw family app, not the Seesaw Class App.  

Please note that this will be used purely as a means for you to keep up to date with your child's learning. Any communication with myself will stay as per usual.

Homework 📚
Homework is due this Friday 30th of July. If your child is not going to be at school please ensure that they bring in their RED Reading folder and their homework book on Thursday. This enables us to check over their work and glue in the next fortnights homework. 

Just a reminder that canteen will commence this week on Tuesdays and Thursday's ONLY. 

Merit Award Winner
Congratulations to Georgia who was our Week 1 Merit Award Winner. You are a Year Two Super Star Georgia! 🌟🌟

Important dates for Term 3
  • Year 2 Performance Assembly: Friday 6th August
  • Mission Markets and OLC 25th anniversary Mass: Friday 13th August
  • OLC Open night: Wednesday 25th August (4.30 pm-5.30 pm)
  • Athletics Carnival: Thursday 26th August 
  • Pupil Free Day: Friday 27th August
  • School Photos: Thursday 9th September 
  • Book Week Dress up: Wednesday 22nd September

Thanks for your ongoing support,

Mrs. Wendelin


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