Term 3 Assembly Information

Hi Parents,

I am sure your child has come home very excited at some point in the last week in regards to our upcoming assembly in Week 3 of Term 3(Friday 6th of August). We have already chosen our character, begun practising the song we are going to be singing and even practised some of our groovy dance moves.

Assembly Script 📃

Please find below the script that we will be following. If your child has a reading part, it would be greatly appreciated if you could take some time over the holidays to practise your child's lines with them.

Costumes and Roles 👔👜👕👗

Below is suggestions on what your child could wear. Please have a look and if you have any questions in regards to costumes or roles, please email me. 

Bring on the last day and the popcorn party 🍿

Mrs. Wendelin


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