Week ten and eleven...I'm in heaven!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the last days before the children are on HOLIDAYS! We as teachers are also looking forward to a little R and R after a massive 11 week term! I was lucky enough to attend a friends engagements on Friday for a night of laughing and dancing. It was nice to get out of my trackie pants that I've been in the last few weekends!
A few messages from week 10 and looking into week 11...
Popcorn and cuddly buddy party
The most important information first...I'm sure you may have heard that next Friday we will be having a Popcorn party across both Year Two classes to celebrate the outstanding work the children have produced this term! The children are also invited to bring in a soft toy that can fit in the school bag. We will be putting the finishing touches on our assembly art as well as watching the movie 'Sing' to warm us up for our assembly song. Stay tuned for more information!
Cross Country
Congratulations to all the Year Two students who participated in the OLC Cross Country race last week. It was a beautiful winter's day and all of the children brought along their positive attitude. I was so proud of all the children and the way they tried their best even if they weren't the winners on the day. Congratulations to Maddison and Scarlett L who were the winners for the girls and James C and Archer who were the winners for the boys. One super proud teacher here!
Award Winners
Congratulations to Georgia Gatty for being the Week 9 Merit Award winner and Campbell Greay who was the Star Citizen for Appreciation. You are both Year Two super stars who we are lucky to have in our class!
Performance Assembly - Term 3
Please keep Friday the 6th of August (Week 3) in your diaries for the Year Two performance assembly. We are very excited to be combining with 2M to bring you an amazing assembly based on the UR STRONG- Friendology program. We have started assigning roles and readings but will be sending these home next week for your child to practise over the holidays (if they wish). We are so excited to be getting this wonderful assembly ready for you all!
Our Learning
We have been so busy the last few weeks, learning all kind of wonderful things across all subject areas. The children have loved learning about the paddock to plate movement in Design and Technology. Watching our plants grow and seeing the children's delight when their plant sprouts another leaf has been a joy to watch over the past few weeks. We are looking forward to creating some bean structures next week to help support our bean plants which were planted in the PP veggie garden. Stay tuned for when our beans are ready for harvest as we will be selling them at an assembly with all proceeds going to Project Compassion.
I can safely say we may have some budding architects in our Year Two class as we created our 3D structures in Maths last week. We carefully constructed the 3D shapes we had been learning about and then took a picture on Seesaw and recorded how many faces, edges and corners each shape had. It was so lovely to see the children helping and working together to create their master pieces!
Speaking of master pieces...in Art we have been learning about the American artist George Rodrigue. He was made famous for painting blue dogs based on his own pet dog. We drew our own blue dog inspired by George and experimented with creating our very own shades and tints. We found out that you can add white to make a colour lighter and add black to make the colour darker. The children had a ball using their own pallets to create the various shades of blue. Have a look next time you pop into our class.
You may have noticed that we have been learning about life cycles through the Biological strand of our Science Curriculum. We have explored that living things grow and change and have offspring that are similar to themselves. We were lucky enough to have our Year Six buddies come in to assist us in making our final part of our unit...a life cycle trirama. The children all worked together to make their structures which will be finished next week during our dedicated Science time where we will construct the life cycle of a echidna, a frog, a chicken or a crocodile.
Grades and comments are being finalised into next week and formal reports will be sent home in electronic form via SEQTA on the final day of term. Information and reminders regarding how to set up or use seqta will be sent via administration next week.
Our Semester One reports grading align with the Western Australian curriculum and achievement standards for Year 2. We encourage you to read the first opening page of the report which explains what each grade letter means in association with the SCSA WA curriculum rather than thinking about the grade letters we used to receive in our schooling years. A 'C grade' on your child's report is likened to an average achievement grade and relates to the majority of the WA year 2 population achievement/progression level of the curriculum and our OLC reports also include their personal values and attitudes for their learning.
I am so proud of how far they have personally all come over the semester and their dedication towards achieving individual goals. Please feel free to contact me via email or in class if you wish to discuss anything at all either this week or early next term about the report or any other matter at all.
Thank you all for a wonderful Term 3 and I looked forward to another great semester with your children!
Mrs. Wendelin
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