Welcome to the final week of Year Two 😎
Dear parents, So here it is... the final blog post of the year with all the important information about the upcoming events this week. It has been such a wonderful year watching each and every one of the kids grow and overcome challenges they have faced throughout the year. I have really enjoyed teaching and getting to know your children. They are all unique and special in their own way. Thank you for your support throughout the year to ensure your child's learning could happen. I wish you all a very merry Christmas and new years and will see you in 2023! See below for the important reminders. Uniform Please send your child to school in the OLC sport uniform all week as we are practicing for the OLC Christmas concert and cleaning. Christmas Concert Practice This week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the children will be practicing for the OLC Christmas concert each morning. As the children will be outside for approximately 2 hours, we would greatly appreciate if you ...